Common gyan for career
How to evolve your social skills in modern work place?
- Become friends with people who are not of your age. It helps understand them and their perspectives.
- Hang out with people who do not speak the same language. It helps make your communication easy with them.
- Get to know some one who does not come from your social class. It matures your social behaviour.
This is how you see the world. This is how you grow.
These words are loaded with lot of practical wisdom for all professionals including HR in the context of modern work places. In the past, the work places (barring one or two metros) were not so diverse in terms of generations, gender, language etc.
The modern work places are diverse. Thanks to technology, education and globalisation. You need to work with different generations- the baby boomers and the millennials, people with cross nationalities and cultures.
Managing this diversity is emerging as a key skill now. No skill can be learnt by mugging few words but by doing it by yourself.”