About Multicare Services

Looking from the corporate viewpoint, business is a vast arena of responsibilities. As businesses turn more and more competitive, they look for outside sources to acquire resources so as to focus on their primary area of functionality. Multicare empowers organizations to concentrate on their core business while the most talented and competent team supports the organization’s functions.

Companies appointing staff on contract or hiring them temporarily can completely rely on Multicare to satisfy their requirements. Multicare handles all hassles of hiring, payroll processing, employee-benefits and appraisals along with other employer-employee responsibilities while offerings all the advantages of these services to the employers.

Multicare fosters creativity at the same time trying to transcend its own standards of quality and operation. We constantly keep measuring ourselves with our set- standards and strive for sophisticated client services, implementing good public policies while retaining the leadership status within the industry. We are persistently trying to model the society into a hub of positivism.

Multicare is like that one book that changes your life, that one place where you find yourself and that one advice that answers all your questions.

Our Vision

Our Mission

Staffing services
Payroll Processing
Employee services

Our News & Events

Common Gyan For HR

Cashless benefits under Maternity Benefit Act 1961 The M.B. Act grants cash benefits like maternity benefit (leave for 26 weeks [...]

Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions 1952

Note on the Hon’ble Supreme Court recent Judgement in a bunch of appeals on the scope of ‘Basic wages’ [...]

Competencies or Character – Which is essential in hiring?

Hiring in the context of demanding needs of modern day business is not mere filling positions. With human resources [...]

Common Errors & Safe Practices

Factories might employ adolescents between age of 16 to 18 yrs.If so, they have to obtain adolescent certificate from [...]